Press Release


Never Forgotten Foundation donation provides more than 60,000 meals to OC/LA County residents

  Cypress, CA – Friday, December 3rd, 2010- If only one word could describe Steven H. Bryson, it would be steadfast. Steve operates each of his four organizations with passionate determination and constantly exceeds the expectations of his customers, his employees, and his community. Mr. Bryson founded the Cypress-based Never Forgotten Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit to provide unconditional resources and serve the needs of impoverished people around the world. It is his firm belief that the fortunate have an obligation to give back; “pay it forward” so to speak. Last year’s holiday donation of over 20,000 meals to the Long Beach Rescue Mission (LBRM) was not matched this year. At approximately 5 p.m. on Friday, December 3rd, the Never Forgotten Foundation tripled their donation with 60,000 meals and various requested personal items.

            The passion to bring aid to the less fortunate is commonplace in the Bryson household. His daughter, Samantha Bryson, has not only volunteered regularly at the shelter, but also donated a year of her time to ensure that the orphaned children in Ethiopia are “never forgotten”. In January 2010, Steve’s son, Scott Bryson, helped organize and charter a private jet filled with food and medical supplies to help with the Haiti disaster.

            As Bryson’s other organizations, including payment processor Global Electronic Technology (Inc.), record label I55 Productions (LLC), and online billing solutions firm OrbitalPay (LLC), continue to prosper, he is giving back more than ever. Along with the California donation, NFF also completed a similar project in Memphis, Tennessee. To support the Blues musicians in his hometown, who Bryson believes keep the city alive, he mailed out holiday cards with a significant cash donation with a goal of feeding the performers as well as to provide them with some extra spending money.

While the Bryson family solely funded previous years’ donations, this year the community has responded. Local businesses have been kind enough to provide discounted rates on meat, non-perishable items, and delivery methods. Without the support of the Bryson family, generous donors, employees of Global Electronic Technology, and the supportive local businesses, this year wouldn’t have been as successful as it was.

The directors of NFF chose the Long Beach and Orange County Rescue Mission as recipients for the donation because of their all-encompassing programs, which include assistance and counseling for victims of domestic violence as well as services for those suffering with drug and alcohol dependency.   Both organizations serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner daily, as well as provide shelter and clothes to the less fortunate in the community. Reverend James Lewis, President of LBRM, has expressed the magnitude and impact of the Never Forgotten Foundation’s donation on the community, naming Bryson “one of the largest single donors we’ve ever had”. Mr. Bryson hopes that all his efforts will encourage others to donate more to the needy, and that alone is thanks enough.

About Never Forgotten Foundation (NFF)
The Never Forgotten Foundation is an international charitable organization created to provide assistance to orphaned children of war and poverty, as well as people in need on a global scale. NFF also works to support families and provides assistance to men, women, and children in need. To donate to Never Forgotten Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, please visit: or call (888) 775-1500
About Global Electronic Technology, Inc. (GET)
Global Electronic Technology, Inc. (GET) is a leading technology provider of end-to-end payment processing solutions, including virtual terminal, payment gateway, GETShop, on-line ACH, loyalty and gift card programs. Founded in 2000 by Steven H. Bryson, GET has grown to epitomize the word “global” by extending from retail to internet-based transactions in the worldwide payment industry. For more information, please visit or call (888) 775-1500.
About OrbitalPay, LLC
OrbitalPay, LLC offers a premier online billing solution and merchant accounts with competitive rates for web-based companies in e-commerce, retail, and small businesses. Offerings include secure transaction services and industry innovative fraud scrubbing for merchant accounts from a leading hybrid PSP. For more information, please visit or call (888) 776-8801.

About I55 Productions LLC
I55 Productions LLC derived its name after the main highway traveling through Memphis, Tennessee. The idea behind the record label came from Steve Bryson, a Memphis native who wanted to share some of the best local talent in his beloved hometown with the rest of the world. Having grown up with some of the Beale Street regulars, he thought it time to provide an avenue for them to share their extraordinary talents with those who may not call Memphis home. For more information, please visit

Know no Fear and see where it leads.


It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.



Global Electronic Technology, Inc. (GET) Founder/CEO, Steven H. Bryson, Challenges Businesses to Give Back


Business Leader Named Humanitarian of the Year by XBIZ – Seeks Donations to Feed 40,000 Through the Never Forgotten Foundation (NFF)


CYPRESS, CA – February 15th, 2010 – Steven H. Bryson, founder and CEO of Global Electronic Technology, Inc. (GET) and OrbitalPay LLC, was honored by XBIZ with its first-ever Humanitarian Award at the organization’s annual awards ceremony on February 10th in Hollywood, CA.  During his acceptance speech, Bryson issued a challenge to other businesses to give back in meaningful ways that would make a difference in the world.


“For the past two years at GET, our staff did not dress up for the Christmas parties.  Instead, we dressed down, rolled up our sleeves and fed the hungry at the Long Beach Rescue Mission,” Bryson said to the thousands in attendance at the awards ceremony, “This past year, we provided 20,000 meals.   I challenge all of you to help us double that this year.”
Mr. Bryson funded the purchase of food for the 20,000 meals through his non-profit charity organization, The Never Forgotten Foundation. He then joined his staff in delivering the food to the hungry in the 27-foot-long truck he had rented earlier that morning to help haul the food to its destination.
“Writing a check is easy – if you are able to do it, you should,” added Bryson, “The hard part is showing up and giving your time and effort.   If we all get together and donate our money and our time, we can make the world a better place.”


Bryson, who served in the 82nd Airborne Division, started the Never Forgotten Foundation in 2008 to provide funding and aid to children who have lost their parents due to the war.  He has expanded its mission to serve the poverty-stricken and under-privileged in the world, starting first in local communities, but reaching beyond local boundaries to provide humanitarian assistance to areas facing disaster.


To donate money and/or time to help meet the challenge to provide 40,000 meals to the hungry this year, please go to the Never Forgotten Foundation (NFF) website at or call 888-775-1500.


About Global Electronic Technology, Inc. (GET)
Global Electronic Technology, Inc. (GET) is a leading technology provider of end-to-end payment processing solutions, including virtual terminal, payment gateway, GET Shop, on-line ACH, loyalty and gift card programs. Founded in 2000 by Steven H. Bryson and currently privately-owned, GET has grown to epitomize the word “global”, by offering state-of–the-art payment processing product and services to diversified industries, extending from retail to internet-based transactions in the worldwide payment industry. For more information about GET’s products and services, please visit or call (888) 775-1500.


About Never Forgotten Foundation (NFF)

The Never Forgotten Foundation is an international charity organization whose beneficiaries are orphaned children of war and poverty. NFF also works to support families and provides assistance to men, women, and children in need. The Never Forgotten Foundation, based in Cypress, California is the brainchild of Steven H. Bryson, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Global Electronic Technology, Inc. (GET), a leading technology provider of payment processing solutions. To donate to Never Forgotten Foundation, a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, please visit or call (888) 775-1500.

About OrbitalPay, LLC
OrbitalPay, LLC is an innovative payment solution that offers online billing solutions for web-based companies in e-commerce, retail and small businesses. The added benefits include web traffic analysis, market coaching for low-volume merchants, risk management for high-risk vendors, MPA3 certified, and credit card fraud prevention. OrbitalPay,LLC provides secure transaction services and offers industry innovative fraud- scrubbing for merchant accounts from the premiere hybrid PSP. For more information, please visit or call (888) 776-8801.



Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Haiti Suffers Catastrophic Earthquake:

For those who know me and my company Global Electronic Technology, Inc. (GET): This entry will not seem out of the norm, yet there are still others who may question my sincerity and confuse my actions with self-promotion. (This group truly doesn’t know me.)

A week ago, the island country of Haiti experienced a 7.0 magnitude earthquake. For a country unaccustomed to construction with steel rebar, it was a cataclysmic event and surely a catastrophe of unbelievable proportion.  The destruction and absolute breakdown of an entire country hasn’t been seen sans a military revolution in my lifetime.

As the founder of GET and Never Forgotten Foundation, it is my responsibility to decide when to deploy our team.  Upon hearing the news that thousands were trapped in the rubble, our small team mobilized.  The NFF team is comprised of former paratroopers (each with additional specialized military skills), as well as a couple of true alpha men and women.  We deploy and we should be on the ground digging before larger organizations can even get wheel-up in the air, or so we thought. 

We booked a flight and landed on a local airfield in Fort Pierce, Florida within hours. Loaded on our backs and carried in our hands were medical supplies for the injured, food and water for the team, two large generators formerly used as back-ups at our corporate headquarters, and heavy-duty cables to power several buildings.  An outstanding organization named Missionary Flights International (MFI) were our means to get into Port-au-Prince, Haiti.  Due to the critical mission ahead and the late hour (past midnight local time), we set up camp outside the hangar door in order to catch a few hours of sleep.

Unfortunately, the ensuing days were spent trying to find a way to land a plane in Haiti due to military control and closure of the Haitian airspace.  As time passed, our team became less and less of an asset due to the inability of people to survive for more than 72 hours as a general rule. E   We switched to security detail and it was at that point that I made the hardest decision of my life; I scrubbed the mission due to the lack of weapons needed to secure food and medical supplies.  Below is a poem I wrote to express how I felt:

The Unreached 

Our spirits soar to heights unknown, yes we are on our way 
Only to find the heartbreak of being told, we cannot save the day 
Yes Hell appeared as grounded airplanes and that ache to very bone 
We couldn’t reach piles of human rubble, though our hearts have already flown 
Voices screaming into the night so clear they’re pounding in my head 
Those voices we couldn’t reach who now we’ve left for dead 
A team, a flight, men and women unable to rest only thinking of despair 
Those countless souls unreached, a country left in disrepair 
Strange sounds, voices and joyful hearts now lift into the air 
They’re boldly comforting each other, the rescuers crying it’s not fair 
We mourn for our own hurt souls, we know that we have failed 
And yet comforted by gentle voices, the warmth of Haitians who truly know despair.

Copyright 2010

No, this isn’t the normal CEO blog; however, as you all get to know me and our family through my writings, you will know that at GET and our self-funded foundation,, you will understand we have no choice but to respond.  It is who we are.

To all who can, I urge you to contribute.  There is an entire country that is in jeopardy.

Steve Bryson


Memphis: Christmas Kindness


Memphis, TN - December 21, 2009

This week we want to thank some of our friends of the BLUES who are making a real difference in the lives of others.


Steve Bryson, friend and philanthropist


Our friend, Steve Bryson, owner of I55 Productions is not only supporting Memphis BLUES and embarking on about a dozen new BLUES CD releases, but also has provided over 20,000 meals to the homeless and hungry during the holiday season.


Steve Bryson and Darren J. Fallas at the recent
Dennis Brooks Celebration of Life in Memphis


"Bryson, Chief Executive Officer of the Cypress-based Global Electronic Technology, Inc. (GET) and founder of Never Forgotten Foundation (NFF), a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization donated 2,500 pounds of turkey and other meat products, 700 lbs. of ground beef, 1000 lbs. of chicken as well as enough canned and dried food to feed over 10,000 people. Other items consisted of thousands of pounds of canned vegetables, breakfast items, and bags of flour, sugar, pasta, and rice to help make the holiday season brighter to those who frequent the Long Beach Rescue Mission (LBRM) every day.


Bryson's International charity


"I have long held the belief that charity should began at home. When we arrived last year during our initial donation and saw the long lines of people around the building and the dire need for food at the shelter, I wanted to make certain that we would more than double our efforts this year. It is my heartfelt desire to ensure that at least during this holiday season, not a single person in Long Beach would go hungry," states Steven H. Bryson.

These annual donations, solely funded by Bryson, has enabled him to develop key relationships with many local businesses such as Costco in Cypress as well as Smart & Final stores in Cypress and Lakewood to help provide well-balanced and nutritional meals for the homeless. With the collaboration of many who were gracious in their donations or gave discounts on purchased items, Bryson was able to maximize the amount of people fed. He also enlisted the help of his GET employees, who showed up in mass to help unload the massive amount of food from the 27 foot truck that was rented this very purpose.


Steve Bryson, I55 Productions


"The amount of food purchased has never been seen before. We felt fortunate to have been part of such a great deed," said Nick Espinosa, owner of Signal Hill's Casa de Carne, who also donated hundred of pounds of patties, sausage links, and crab cakes.

Last year, Bryson donated what was estimated to be enough food for 8,000 meals. This year Fred Sigrist, Director of Food Service at the LBRM, estimated that Bryson has exceeded the previous donation for an estimated 20,000 meals."


Here's a link to the article:


Dennis Brooks: Celebration of Life



Today we take a trip down to Neil's on Madison Avenue for the all day, all night celebration being held to honor the late Dennis Brooks, one of the BLUES' best friends. As the collection of photos will attest, Dennis had a lot of musical friends, and we gathered to raise some money for him to have a proper headstone for his grave.


The first time I met Dennis he was bar tending at Neil Heinz' first midtown bar, called MacNeil's, which was located in a former International House of Pancakes location on Union Avenue, not too far from Neil's current location. It was a fun place, replete with the orange roof and some very kind folks inside. I was impressed with this bartender's extensive knowledge of local music and became instant friends, talking for hours with Dennis about music, particularly the blues.


Dennis helped us get bookings and took little or no commission and he allowed many musicians to stay at his home over the years. He was a kind and selfless man and it was a great honor to be his friend.


Last month Dennis passed away suddenly and his friends, many blues fans and musicians, held this big event to honor him. Nobody got paid, no admission was charged to get in...we were all here for Dennis, and it was the largest collection of musicians and fans I have seen in quite some time.



Here's some of the lineup:


2 p.m. - Tomi Lunsford, Sandy Carroll


3 p.m. - Bobby Lawson Band, David Daniels, Stan Street, Don Cook


4 p.m. - Wampus Cats, Delta Joe Sanders, Elmo Lee Thomas


5 p.m. - The Hitmen, Sterling Billingsly, John-Alex Mason


6 p.m. - Blind Mississippi Morris, Billy Lavender, Microwave Dave, Phil Durham


7 p.m. - Steve Selvidge, Richard Johnston, Billy Gibson


8 p.m. - Don McMinn, Davis Coen


9 p.m. - Reba Russell Band, Valerie June


9:50 p.m. - Eric Hughes Band


10:15 p.m. - Jam Session


I think I must have jammed with about half of the bands that were assembled. There were over 20 acts and the music still going strong well after midnight when I departed to write this article. I really enjoyed doing a couple of numbers with my band, the Wampus Cats, and then we brought on my old partner in the Memphis Sheiks, Delta Joe Sanders. Joe is a great songwriter and one of my best friends. Then my old band mate Elmo Lee Thomas came up and we did a couple of great tunes off of his new CD which was reviewed here a few weeks ago(see link below).


I had a great time jamming with the Hitmen, Buddy Davis and Don Cook, Stan Street on harp and then again with Sterling Billingsley and Rome, Doug and Papa Don McMinn of Nightrain. Thanks very much to my very talented old musician friends for good times all the livelong day.


Here's a bunch of pictures from the all day, all night show.


Elmo Lee Thomas sings "I Feel Pretty Good!"
Richard Johnston, the Hill Country BLUES best one man band
Keyboardist Russ Wheeler
The lovely Miranda Louise and the author
Singing songwriter/pianist Sandy Carrol and the author started the event at about 2 pm
Sandy is married to my friend Jim Gaines, super producer
Russ Wheeler provided the B-3 and Yamaha Motif for the event
and played with Blind Mississippi Morris and the Pocket Rockets


Darren J. Fallas

Steve Bryson and guitarist/singer Darren J. Fallas
Tony Adams on drums
Microwave Dave drove in from Alabama


Microwave Dave
Danny Cochran on bass
Singer and drummer Phillip Dale Durham and guitar slinger Brad Webb
Phil was a member of Moloch back in the 70's
My friend, guitarist and singer David Daniels
David is about to put out a new CD 
This was my view for most of the day
Josh Roberts and Wayne Russell examine bass strings or perhaps are just
admiring the carpet before going on stage
Wampus Cats' drummer Doug McMinn, my buddy
Doug and I also played with Papa Don McMinn, his dad, and Reba Russell


Wayne Russell tunes as Reba Russell looks on
She's so sweet and so pretty...
and my favorite singer

Papa Don McMinn and Reba Russell


Bassist Leo "the freight train of pain" Goff and the author



My old band mate and friend, Blind Mississippi Morris

David Hudson, Josh Roberts and the author
Miranda Louise and Robert "Nighthawk" Tooms
Brad Webb and Steve Bryson head up I55 productions
Steve flew in from California for the gig



Katherine Adams and I55 owner Steve Bryson
I55 recording artist Billy Lavender (yes, that's his real name, cool ain't it?)
Billy's got a new CD out on I55(see link below)


Tony and Katherine Adams


My partner Delta Joe Sanders
We recorded a bunch of CDs as the Memphis Sheiks
we still haven't gotten paid for the first few we did although they still sell them...hmmn

We get paid for this one though
It pays to do business with real friends instead of lying, rotten crooks
Bobby Lawson
Bobby Lawson
Drummer W. C. Garrison
Harmonica player and friend, Lee "Scrap" Raines
from the Memphis Blues Society band



Dave Bennett, President of the Memphis Blues Society, plays bass
My old friend Vince Johnson


I got to play on Vince's new record, he's a great harp player



It was a tremendous day of BLUES and I would like to thank the show's organizers. This from the Memphis Flyer:
"The concert — dubbed the Dennis Brooks Life Celebration — was organized by Heidi Knochenhauer, a grant writer for the Arkansas Blues and Heritage Festival who calls Brooks her "blues wingman" for area festivals and blues events in recent years; former colleague Chuck Porter, who hosts the "Blues Today" program on WEVL-FM Friday mornings; and stalwart local blues musician Brad Webb."
Here's a link to my recent article about I55 Productions and Billy Lavender's new CD:

Local Businessman Donates 20,000 Meals for the Holiday Season

Long Beach, California - November 24, 2009 – Steve Bryson is a successful businessman running multiple companies including a merchant credit card processing firm as well as a record label, socially conscientious, and a highly resourceful man. In addition, he possesses a heart of gold, evidenced by his actions Monday night.


Bryson, Chief Executive Officer of the Cypress-based Global Electronic Technology, Inc. (GET) and founder of Never Forgotten Foundation (NFF), a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization donated 2,500 pounds of turkey and other meat products, 700lbs of ground beef, 1000lbs of chicken as well as enough canned and dried food to feed over 10,000 people. Other items consisted of thousands of pounds of canned vegetables, breakfast items, and bags of flour, sugar, pasta, and rice to help make the holiday season brighter to those who frequent the Long Beach Rescue Mission (LBRM) every day.


I have long held the belief that charity should began at home. When we arrived last year during our initial donation and saw the long lines of people around the building and the dire need for food at the shelter, I wanted to make certain that we would more than double our efforts this year. It is my heartfelt desire to ensure that at least during this holiday season, not a single person in Long Beach would go hungry,” states Steven H. Bryson.


These annual donations, solely funded by Bryson, has enabled him to develop key relationships with many local businesses such as Costco in Cypress as well as Smart & Final stores in Cypress and Lakewood to help provide well-balanced and nutritional meals for the homeless. With the collaboration of many who were gracious in their donations or gave discounts on purchased items, Bryson was able to maximize the amount of people fed. He also enlisted the help of his GET employees, who showed up in mass to help unload the massive amount of food from the 27 foot truck that was rented this very purpose.


"The amount of food purchased has never been seen before. We felt fortunate to have been part of such a great deed,"; said Nick Espinosa, owner of Signal Hill's Casa de Carne, who also donated hundred of pounds of patties, sausage links, and crab cakes.


Last year, Bryson donated what was estimated to be enough food for 8,000 meals. This year Fred Sigrist, Director of Food Service at the LBRM, estimated that Bryson has exceeded the previous donation for an estimated 20,000 meals.


According to LBRM President and Chief Executive Officer Reverend James Lewis, "This is the time of year when many people are drawn to think about others, which is a blessing. We provide immediate needs which begin with a meal and a hand-up to start a positive change in their lives."


News source CNN reported last week that at least one million children a month in the United States have no food security. This suggests that they skip a meal or a full day of food at least once a month. The NFF beneficiaries are orphaned children of war and poverty along with any persons in need. During this financial crisis, the amount of impoverished children has increased dramatically. With this as food for thought, Bryson decided that it was his civil duty to prevent as many Long Beach children as possible from going hungry during this holiday season.


Philanthropy is highly valued and commonplace in the Bryson household. His daughter, Samantha Bryson, volunteers at the shelter each week. His son, Scott Bryson, is a paratrooper with the U.S. Army Special Forces Unit 82nd Airborne Division and has just returned from fifteen (15) months of combat deployment in Iraq.

About Global Electronic Technology, Inc. (GET)

Global Electronic Technology, Inc. (GET) is a leading technology provider of end-to-end payment processing solutions, including virtual terminal, payment gateway, GETShop, on-line ACH, loyalty and gift card programs. Founded in 2000 by Steven H. Bryson and currently privately-owned, GET had grown to epitomize the word “global”, by offering state-of–the-art payment processing product and services to diversified industries, extending from retail to internet-based transactions in the worldwide payment industry. For more information about our products and services, please visit us or contact us at (888)775-1500.

About Never Forgotten Foundation (NFF)

The Never Forgotten Foundation is an international charitable organization whose beneficiaries are orphaned children of war and poverty. NFF also works to support families and provides assistance to men, women, and children in need. The Never Forgotten Foundation, based in Cypress, California is the brainchild of Steven H. Bryson, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Global Electronic Technology, Inc.(GET), a leading technology provider of payment processing solutions ( To donate to Never Forgotten Foundation, a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, please visit or call (888)775-1500.

About Long Beach Rescue Mission (LBRM)

Since 1972, the Long Beach Rescue Mission provides food, clothing, shelter and spiritual guidance to the homeless and less fortunate people of the community. To find out more about how to donate to LBRM, visit



The Blues Foundation Elects First-Ever Female President and Adds Seven New Board Members from the Business Community



Memphis, TN - September 8, 2009


The Blues Foundation, the non-profit organization dedicated to the past, present and future of blues music, has completed the annual election of its Board of Directors and its officers, electing nine individuals to lead and assist The Blues Foundation in establishing a permanent home in downtown Memphis.  The plan for a permanent home proposes to centralize the Foundation's educational, audio-visual and retail opportunities, in addition to housing its staff and operations. The new board members elected will contribute their respective expertise in finance, marketing, consulting and development to the Foundation's efforts through 2012, and as Foundation members will continue to provide the worldwide Blues community with support, information and news. 

Newly-elected Board President Pat Morgan

The membership of the current Board voted to fill the nine available seats in this year's election, including seven new members:

  • Phill Barkett - a Chicago area financial analyst
  • Steve Bryson - Chairman and CEO, Global Electronic Technology, Inc., I55 Productions LLC, Cypress, CA;
  • Tom Jones - Smart City Consulting, Memphis
  • Stefan Levy - Big Cat Search, Barrington, IL
  • Craig Ray  - Mississippi Development Authority, Jackson, MS
  • Eric Simonsen - AlixPartners LLC, Providence, RI
  • Laurie Tucker, - Senior Vice-President of Corporate Marketing, FedEx, Germantown, TN.

The Board members re-elected two current members:

  • Dorothy Moore - a Grammy-Nominated Performer, Florence, MS
  • Kevin Kane - President and CEO, Memphis Convention and Visitors Bureau.

All recently-elected members will begin three-year terms October 23 at the next Board Meeting in Nashville, TN.

Following the Board election, the new Board selected the following Board members to leadership positions, who will serve for one year each:  the Board's first female President Pat Morgan, artist manager for Pinetop Perkins and Willie "Big Eyes" Smith, and Vice President Bill Wax, programmer and on-air host of Sirius XM Satellite Radio's B.B. King's Bluesville channel.  Additional members of the Executive Committee are:  Gary Anton, a Tallahassee, FL attorney and owner of Bradfordville Blues club, Kevin Kane, and Gaynell Rogers, a Nevada City, CA marketing & publicity consultant.  In addition, Clay Purdom, an attorney with Memphis law firm of Martin, Tate, Morrow & Marston, is the Treasurer.

The newly-elected members and officers join fellow Board members Barbara Blue, Betsie Brown, Thomas Cain, Jostein Forsberg, Zac Harmon, Jerry Mason, Karen McFarland, Thomas Ruf, Joey Sichting, Ricky Stevens, Cassie Taylor and C. Sade Turnipseed.


Newly-elected Board President Pat Morgan stated, "I am very excited to take on this new leadership role.   I believe the Blues Foundation is now poised to take on new challenges, to continue to provide for our membership, and to further our mission of keeping the blues alive for generations to come."

Executive Director Jay Sieleman added, "Adding people of this caliber from outside of the blues music community is critical to taking The Blues Foundation to the next level.  But they were not just recruited; each is a Blues fan and was a Blues Foundation member before coming on the Board.  I fully expect the next three years to be the best ever for The Blues Foundation and therefore, for blues music."

The Foundation is celebrating its 30th anniversary, having already seen this year their 25th anniversary of the International Blues Challenge and the largest, star-studded 30th anniversary of the Blues Music Awards.   As the Foundation moves into its 31st year, several new programs will soon be announced to further assist blues musicians and those making their careers within the blues music community.  

The following Board members will be concluding their Board service in September: Paul Benjamin, Dom Forcella, Bruce Iglauer, Fred Litwin, Patrick Reilly and Chris Sabie.

Headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee, The Blues Foundation is the hub of the Blues world. With 175 affiliated Blues societies and a membership that spans the globe, the Foundation's signature events - the Blues Music Awards, Blues Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, International Blues Challenge and Keeping the Blues Awards - place it at the center of the Blues universe. The Blues Foundation is a non-profit organization, with a mission to preserve Blues history, celebrate Blues excellence, support Blues education and ensure the future of this uniquely American art form.   Throughout the year, the Foundation staff serves the worldwide Blues community with answers, contact information and news.



For more information about The Blues Foundation


Please contact
Jay Sieleman                
Executive Director
The Blues Foundation
901-527-2583 ext. 12
or visit our website at

For Press Queries

Please contact Amanda Sweet
Bucklesweet Media