Price: $15.99

Looking for a Bone, Released Fri, 2011-05-13 I55 Music, LLC





Don Cook of the WitchDoctors and I have a long history of playing music together, writing and recording. In 1974, we played together in TarBaby, a three guitar band that rocked so hard at the Thirsty Elephant that all the other bands from that era including Target, D Beaver, Junction, Hot Dogs, Hobo Fit and even The Amazing Rhythm Aces broke Third Rate Romance at the Thirsty Elephant.


A lot of these bands received record deals and became somewhat famous. We did not, but our bass player, David Cochran, went on to England and played with Bill Buford from YES and Sharks.
Don Cook AKA Dangerous Don Cook is one of the best original writers in Memphis that I know, and not to take anything away from his gift of in -your -face guitar style, he can definitely "Get er Done".


We played together with Blind Mississippi Morris on Beale Street countless nights in the 1990s in famous clubs such as BB Kings, Black Diamond and Blues City Cafe.
If you want a dose of “cookin’” Blues, Don Cook  is who you want cookin’ up some Blues rock for your appetite.




















Looking for a Bone - Full MP3 Album
Looking for a Bone
Bad Luck
You're Outta Control
The Rib
Taking it One Day at a Time
Next Little Town
That's Gotta Change
Over and Done
I Know Your Girl
Warning Sign
Love Thang
Living the Blues
Surf's Up